Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One of those days, huh?

So the day was pretty interesting.  Had classes this morning from 8-10, and actually had the chance to get a good, long nap in before lunch.  But because the school has been trying to cut back on funding and because they really don't care about the welfare of the students, I was woken up by maintenance workers that barged in my room.  Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? It's my room, the door is locked, and when they knock they don't get a reply. So they decide to use a master key to gain access to my room, where they find me and my roommate sleeping in our racks (beds, for all you non-citadel folk).  
Instead of proceeding to leave, they decide to start changing out our old, outdated bulbs purchased a month ago and they put in more expensive, energy efficient bulbs making every noise possible to man.  I even had a guy put his ladder right beside our bed, and, reeking of cigarettes and stale beer, proceed to get in my face and say, "
heya, is it nappy time?"
At this point, I was fairly upset and I got out of the bed and got on the computer.  After a few minutes of recovering from the shock of such a wake up call, another maintenance guy shorts out a circuit and starts yelling out profanities.  At this point, I am pretty steamed and I told them that I would fix it, and I did.  I came back in the room, with the hooligans still yelling profanities and telling jokes and stories as loud as they could while they were in our room. I just couldn't believe it.
After lunch, I left and heard something pretty interesting on the new HD radio that I got for my birthday a couple of weeks ago (which I love, by the way. It's the Dual XD7714, and no matter what people say, it's awesome!!) I heard someone actually say, no kidding, that sneezing destroys brain cells.  I don't even know what to say in response to that, maybe you could come up with something.   
And for all you coffee lovers out there, I got coffee not once today, or even twice.  I had coffee today three times, 2 cappuchinos and a couple of the regular cups this morning.  I think I may be addicted, but I like to think of myself as a "coffee enthusiast".  Maybe there's someone out there that feel that same way.  
Finally, click on my flickr page and check out some of the pics I have up.  I'll upload some more next month because i've already hit my limit for the free account.  Let me know what you think.

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